Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and Crackerjacks, I don't care if I ever get back, for its root root root for the Cubbies...
I love nothing more on a beautiful day, then sitting in the stands at Wrigley Field, watching the Chicago Cubs, and enjoying the various stimulants offered for my enjoyment. It starts as I walk up Clark street toward Addison and I am bombarded with peanut vendors. Of course you have to get a bag of peanuts if you're going to the game. This is just the beginning. Once I'm inside the park, my first order of business in getting a beer. Peanuts and beer go hand in hand, but the intoxicating aroma of grilled onions accompanied by charred brats and dogs is so temping that I have to force myself to find my seat before I can indulge.
Sitting in the stands is what gives Wrigley Field its undeniable power. I sit and I smell beer, hot dogs, onions, nachos, cotton candy, peanuts, fresh cut grass, and I am consumed by Cubs baseball. There is a natural comradery in the stands! You don't have to know people in order to fit in, you just have to participate in the conversations heckling the visiting teams or discussing how the Cubs are sucking it up like usual. When you're a true fan like myself, it is almost second nature to be making fun of the Cubbies, and the next thing you know "POP" the ball is blasted in to the bleachers. The crowd rises from their seats filled with joy that we witnessed a home run by our team and puts an end to our bad mouthing. I begin giving high-5's to my fellow fans surrounding me because we are all in attendance for the experience. Like I said, this is how the natural comradery comes into play. The next thing I know, I hear "Cold beer here!" being yelled by the vendor passing by, so I raise my hand and yell "Two Bud Lights!" And that is how it is done.
As a fan and spectator, you have to be aware of your surroundings in order to take full advantage of the numerous luxuries offered at every game. I use my perception of sight, sound, vision, touch, and taste at every single game I attend, adds to my joyful experiences at Wrigley. After several innings of peanuts and cold beer its time to head to the bathroom that reeks of stale beer, cigarette smoke, and urine to drain my lizard. On my way back I use my nose like a German Shepard to follow the scent of grilled onions and finally get to engorge myself with jumbo charred hot dog with mustard. I make it a point to get my last beer at the park and nachos with extra jalapenos right before the start of the seventh inning, because they stop selling beer after the inning is over.
If the game ends in a victory for Chicago, I participate in singing Go, Cubs Go with my fellow patrons as I proceed out of the park by following the herd. So you see, all five senses are stimulated and come into play when enjoying a beautiful day at Cubs baseball at Wrigley Field!
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